This isn't really the beginning of the journey. It's more like the beginning of another leg on an already long journey. The beginning was really years ago, when we first started thinking. It's been over a year since we began to seriously consider Africa. We thought we'd know specifics in advance. But, here we are, less than 2 months away. Maybe later we'll go back and tell more about the real beginning of the journey. For now, let's just focus on the present and the future.
Well, it is really happening! After over a year of pursuit, the door has opened for us to move to Africa. We have the opportunity to go to
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for 2 years. For those of you we love and will miss, this will be the best way for us to stay in touch! While we are excited about what is to come, we are nervous and a bit afraid.
As of today we do not know everything. We know:
Keegan will be teaching at
Andinet International School in
Anne will likely work for the school
The school will be providing housing....that's all we know now!
We'll be in
Addis for 2 years, perhaps more.
We'll be leaving August 7
th, very likely. We hope to purchase airfare today (for much less than we thought!)
The list of what we do not know would be too long to post here. As we go through the process of actually getting to Ethiopia, we'll update this. But the fun and excitement will really begin when we arrive!
Thank you for journeying with us, both in the US and as we serve internationally!