Yes, friends and family, we are still very much alive! We've gotten very busy lately and have not made time for updates. Whenever we did prepare an update, it also coincided with lousy internet. So, we'll be posting some more, real updates soon. As for now, let us tell you about a way you can help Ethiopia.
As we prayed and considered moving to Africa, a great many friends encouraged us along the way. Doug and Danielle Banker were one couple particularly involved in the process. While Doug and Danielle were encouraging God's plan for us, they were considering a significant step in their own lives. Around the same time we decided to move toEthiopia, Doug and Danielle decided to adopt children from Ethiopia. As we walk the streets of Addis and see countless orphans, we realize what an amazing thing the Bankers are doing. Below is a letter from the Bankers. Please read it over and consider joining them in this Christmas season.
Dear fellow brothers and sisters,
The Bible tells us in James 1:27 that "pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world". Isaiah1:17 says "Learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow." This is the calling my wife and I have humbly and graciously answered.
Our journey began shortly after Danielle and I met when we both shared our interest in adoption and how we'd be open to it in the future. This past winter, after being married almost 3 years, we decided it would be the right time for us to pursue this dream of ours. Since that first conversation we have had a heart for the continent of Africa and the struggles that many of the people there face daily. More recently, our hearts have steered in the direction of Ethiopia.This direction took place around the same time MarlAnne and Keegan Combs found out they'd be taking their calling and ministry to Ethiopia.
One of the most blessed relationships the Lord has brought Danielle and I is MarlAnne and Keegan Combs. Watching their journey come to fruition with their going to Ethiopia has been inspiring and praiseful (though we miss them like crazy!). Since their arrival several months ago Danielle and I have started the adoption process, completed all of the paperwork, have gone through many hours of training required by the agencies and are getting ready to submit our dossier to Ethiopia awaiting our referral. Words cannot even express the excitement we both currently share as our "paper pregnancy" is about to begin! After long consideration we have decided to submit a request for 2 children under the ages of 36 months, most likely blood siblings. Due to this request our wait will likely be longer than usual. Therefore,we're hoping to receive our referral in late 2009 or early 2010. Once this happens, we'll go over to Ethiopia soon thereafter to meet our children!
As many of you may already know with adoption comes many challenges. Issues with the child's heath, language barriers, attachment disorders, high financial requirements and many others are very likely to occur. Thankfully, we have many great resources at our hands to take advantage of to help us through each of these trials/tribulations. Danielle and I have been saving up for this process knowing we would want to pursue adoption. Due to this we initially chose not to pursue raising support financially. The Lord has changed our hearts to be open to others who may want to in some way, shape, or form assist us in His heart for the orphans of this world. If you would be interested in helping us we would wholeheartedly welcome any form of generosity. We thank you for your prayerful consideration in taking part in our journey.
In His Loving Name,
Doug & Danielle Banker
930 N. Logan Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
1 comment:
Hi Friends!
What an incredible way to invest in a child's life. As you know Adam and I are definitely in support of adoption. Thank you for all the updates. We love hearing your stories and knowing how you guys are doing. I love my new job with Compassion with the Events team! Have a very merry Christmas!
Love you guys!
Adam and Kris Runyan
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