It has been far too long since we updated our blog; so long that just about everything in our life in Ethiopia has changed. Since you would probably rather not read a novel, I'll do my best to summarize the past few months and our changes. In late July, Andinet was unable to fullfill their contractual promises. After several weeks of working to find a balance that would work for us and Andinet, in the last week of July we decided we could not return to Andinet. However, we love Ethiopia and wanted to stay, so I began my search for a new job by looking at other schools in Addis Ababa. Surprisingly, a British school here in Addis, Sandford International School, had an open English position and hired me. Because we switched employers, we had to also leave the country and get a new work-visa sponsored by Sandford, which is part of the reason we made a trip back to the US. While it was a challenging time, we were able to leave Andinet on positive terms and with a great deal of encouragement. In the US we were reminded so much of the blessed life we live: from our family and friends to the safety, access, and opportunities of being an American.
I (Keegan) returned to Ethiopia on August 22. Because my job changed to a new school, virtually everything else has changed as well. We have a new place to live, currently an appartment on the city's major road, Bole. While our apartment is nice, it's very far from school and along a busy road. In the next few weeks we'll likely be moving to a new house closer to school and with areas outside for Asher and Anne to play. We also have a new house-helper, Frehiwot. She is kind and helpful and we are certainly blessed by her, but we do hope to "steal" our previous helper, Tsehei, who has an amazing gift of being able to calm Asher at any moment, along with other gifts!
Of course a new job comes with many new relationships, which have begun to grow in the past month. Sandford, unlike Andinet, is quite international (especially the staff, who are moslty from the UK) and has a strong tradition here. About 60 percent of the students are Ethiopian, mostly very upper class. My students, because of their status in the country, will certainly be leaders in Ethiopia's future, which is exciting and challenging as a teacher. While this change was sudden and unexpected, we are looking forward to building relationships and continuing to focus on helping Ethiopia's wonderful people. I'm especially excited to play a role in shaping and teaching some of Ethiopia's future leaders.
In the coming weeks we hope to settle a bit more--house, Tsehei, my job, and additional relationships. As we do adjust and settle, we hope to update you more frequently. However, we mainly want to tell you more about Ethiopia and the wonderful people and culture here. Besides, a house is a house! And you would probably enjoy and learn more reading about my experience with a flat tire a few weeks back. I'll tell you more about that soon!
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